Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break, Transfusion, and How to Train Your Dragon

We are finally starting to understand that nothing goes as planned, ever. We had hoped to start round 5 of Chemo this last week, but Madeline's blood counts were too low, so after a blood transfusion we were told to wait until next week. So we are hopefully going to go in this Tuesday (although we may have to miss the year end basketball banquet, tear) to take care of Chemo treatment #5. I don't know why we act surprised I don't think we have started a single treatment on the day it was originally scheduled. Of course last week was Spring Break for Hillary and Landon, so they were home looking for something fun to do. On Wednesday George took the day off and took Hillary, Madey, and Landon to see "How to Train Your Dragon" while Michelle went shopping all by herself. They all had a good time at the movie and Madey really enjoyed doing something 'normal' like going to a movie in a theater. Later that afternoon it was Hillary's turn for some medical treatment, she got to have her wisdom teeth pulled (Lucky). The rest of the day was spent lying low and recovering from the dentist.
Saturday the weather was nice enough to go to Layton Park, where we had a small picnic, George and the girls spent time throwing a softball around, yes Madey can still throw hard, while Landon played on the playground with a friend. George grilled burgers for dinner that night and we spent the rest of the evening watching old family videos and laughing at each others idiosyncrasies.
Today has been a good day, everyone made it to church, Madey even felt good enough to attend Young Women's, we sure appreciate our priests for bringing the Sacrament to her after the meeting. All in all we continue to be optimistic and look forward to the conclusion of our next two rounds of chemo. We hope to be done with them by the first week in May, but as I type that I am reminded that nothing ever seems to go according to my time frame. We are still in training for the MilesforMadey 5k being held on the 24th of April, hopefully someone will be driving behind the pack to pick up those of us who pass out (hehe).
We are truly grateful for how blessed we are as a family, we are surrounded by so many amazing neighbors, friends, and family members that it is hard to get discouraged. Thank you for your continued love, support, and prayers.
We just needed to make a quick addendum, Madeline's Platelets are too low so we need to delay treatment #5, we will let you know when she actually makes it to the hospital. Looks like we will make it to the basketball banquet after all!


  1. You are constantly in our prayers (every one of our kids pray for Madey in every single prayer) and we think you are all amazing! I can't wait to run on the 24th--even if it is thousands of miles away from the actual event. Thinking of you all!

  2. Lots of prayers go out from our family in behalf of your family. You guys are amazing! I just ran 1.5 miles in 20 minutes, which is pretty sad. But we're excited to support you.

  3. I was so excited to see Madey at YW! Each girl is so important in our ward and we miss them when they are not there. We felt more complete Sunday. Love to you Madey

  4. I don't know Madey personally, but I know her parents and they have the hearts of warriors. Keep fighting the good fight. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. D&C 58:3 is one of my favorites: "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation." Best Wishes, Trent Toone

  5. This morning at the Student of the Month Breakfast, Mr. Carter gave a wonderfu tribute to Madey and your family. It was very heart felt, the room was very quiet and we could all feel the love for her here at FFJHS. Keep up the strong fight, Madey. We all miss you here!
    Love to you, Mrs. Bitner
